About Us
The e-UniGuide™ is a concise directory of online Universities, Colleges and Schools around the world, delivering online degrees and other distance learning qualifications in the English language.
Distance learning allows you to combine your family life and work obligations with your studies, getting a high quality university education and earning a relevant qualification, from your home and without leaving your job.
The e-UniGuide™ distance learning directory lets you browse over 12000 online degrees and short-courses from leading universities across the globe. You can compare Universities to find the perfect online degree for you.
Browse the directory, which you can filter using many variables such as qualification sought, fee level, accreditation and many more to find the right course for you..
We recommend you also check the e-Uniguide™ rankings; the first ever directory exclusively assessing distance learning institutions. Compare Universities by qualification, country, fee level, degree diversity and popularity.
Select the course that is right for you and progress your career!
Note to Educational Institutions
The e-Uniguide™ directory is a great resource for prospective distance learning students around the world.
The presence of your accredited institution in our listings allows thousands of prospective students to review your offering, contact the university to request further information and apply to become a student.
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Please contact the membership team if you cannot find your listing or click here to become a member.